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Client Avoids Felony Weapons Charge

 Posted on March 14,2013 in Uncategorized

My client was charged with a Class IV Felony Unlawful Possession of Weapon.    I convinced the prosecutor to defer further prosecution against my client if he performed certain conditions.  In essence, the Felony charge will be dropped as long the defendant complies with an agreement to perform some community service, pay a fine, etc....

Getting a deferred prosecution in any criminal case is a key way to resolve criminal charges.  In this case, my client will avoid the possibility  of serving between 1 and 3 years in prison, will not have a felony on his record.

Stephen Brundage provides representation for all felonies, misdemeanors, and traffic charges in DuPage County, Kane County, and surrounding areas.   Call 630-260-9647 to discuss your case if you are charged with a crime.

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